Module 1 + Module 2 + Module 3

One-year, unlimited on-demand access to course recordings.

By popular demand, we make our entire Core Module series available on-demand in this “Learn & Elevate” package.

The Core Modules are the foundational training which includes guidance for treating all diseases – internal and external, as well as demonstrations of needle techniques.

Module 1 “Dr. Tan’s Core Essentials” unveils new concepts and Five System strategies

Module 2 “Dr. Tan’s Point Prescriptions” introduces Global Balance with the meridian structures

Module 3 “Advanced Track“ covers various topics such as Dr. Tan’s Strategy of Twelve Magical Points, Balance the Five Elements, Seasonal Balance, and Smart Combos

Upon completion of the “Learn & Elevate” package, you will receive the full CEUs for all 3 modules. Many people say revisiting the basics help them to gain a new perspective in the principles and to refine their techniques. Take each module at your own pace, and review the modules as often as you like.

Each module alone costs $765 for a limited 28-day access. The cost for this foundational and advanced coursework package is only $5,390. That’s a $820 saving, plus you get full access for the entire year!

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